15- 16 DECEMBER, 2018, YEREVAN

Geeks Against GBV
In the framework of World Bank Development of Marketplace: Innovations to Address Gender-Based Violence 2018 Program, EIF has designed Geeks Against Gender-Based Violence project, which aims at providing technological solution to GBV issues.
Design of a mobile applications
that combine successful features of similar products with the ones that have never been used before. The suggested features include invisibility of the application, GPS tracking and navigation, “abuser reporting” function, alarm button, interactive communication module, connectivity with a “circle” of friends, mentors and experts. The proposed applications should be unique and endowed with a big potential for subsequent replication in other countries. Designing a qualitatively new approach that will dramatically change a landscape of activities and the situation with GBV.
Building an institutional dialogue among stakeholders in combating GBV and IT professionals.
Such dialogue will impart new colors and give a boost to the glooming public-private partnerships in the field. Linking application with the existing databases will make possible to collect reliable statistical data and to draw comparisons between official figures and expert assessments. Also, putting on the map all reported occurrences of GBV will help to visualize hot-spots, regional patterns, as well as to assess effectiveness and efficiency of policy and implemented projects and will provide a solid foundation for designing new interventions
Empowering women and human rights organizations and their leaders
through support from Tech community. The most socially responsible “element”, intolerant to any kind of injustice, inequity and violence and capable to initiate and/or become a potent actor in any civic movement, will provide an important spur to strengthening the capacity of women’s and human rights organizations and to increasing the scope of their activities and to become active players in referral mechanism for GBV survivors. Provision of easy and unlimited access to support and advisory services, as the proposed application allows every woman to receive literally any type of support regardless of where she is (in urban or rural areas, confined to the home or with a possibility to leave home for any reason).
15-16 December 2018
Engineering City
1 000 000 AMD
Each Challenge
Hackathon Challenges and Prizes
Enterprise Incubator Foundation and Innovative Solutions Technologies Center are organizing the Geeks Against GBV Hackathon in Armenia, which will take place on December 15-16. The aim is to gather a group of application developers to later create a mobile application fighting against gender-based violence. GBV experts will participate as mentors to exchange experience and guide the developer teams to create a plan of how the application should be structured. The application should be based on the following areas of the issue:

Violence Against Women
1 000 000 AMD

GBV Analytics
1 000 000 AMD

Sexual Violence Against Children
1 000 000 AMD

Sexual Education
1 000 000 AMD

Virtual Sexual Abuse
1 000 000 AMD
The prizes will be given to the best solutions per each challenge offered by participants․

Geeks Against GBV Hackathon
December 16, 2018
On December 15-16 young creative computer enthusiasts and GBV fighters gathered at Engineering city to develop interesting solutions focusing on making a mobile application to fight against the issue of gender-based violence. Participants worked for 24 hours and proposed their ideas, project prototypes by pitching them to the jury members; Bagrat Yengibaryan, Areg Gevorgyan, Jina Sargizova, Tsovinar Harutyunyan, Zaruhi Hovahnnisyan, and Mher Manukyan evaluated the projects and encouraged the innovative participants to keep working on their unique approaches.
Among the winners were four groups: ARATTA, Iterate, Rani, Support.AM and one individual: Anna Margaryan who won with a condition that she will be facilitated with the necessary tools to implement her project.

Final Info Session
December 13, 2018
On Dec 13 we are going to have the final info session at ISTC during which you will have a chance to learn everything you need to know about the Geeks Against GBV Hackathon, its procedures, requirements, challenges, application submission, and prizes.

Info Session
December 3, 2018
On Dec 3 we are going to have an info session at ISTC during which you will have the chance to learn everything you need to know about the Geeks Against GBV Hackathon, its procedures, requirements, challenges, application submission, and prizes.

Brainstorming Meeting
October 19, 2018
On October 19 Enterprise Incubator Foundation held a brainstorming meeting regarding gender-based violence. During the brainstorming independent GBV experts: Jina Sargizova, Maria Abrahamyan, and Marine Eghiazaryan shared their thoughts about which aspects of GBV are triggering and what course of actions will be more productive for creating a mobile application. Because of how broad the topic is, the experts suggested five specific gender-based violence to be in focus:
Violence against women
Sexual violence against children
Virtual sexual abuse
GBV analysis
Sexual Education
The brainstorming served as an important tool in the process of preparing for the upcoming hackathon in November.
15 -16 DECEMBER, 2018
21, Engineering city, 1 Bagrevand St, Yerevan